Q2 . information fluency

Homo naledi

after professor lee berger from wits university made the ground breaking discovery of a new species of human he named the finding homo naledi . the name is derived from the chamber with in a cave where the remains were found .

the species raised a lot of questions on where the homo naledi stood among other human kind . does the fact that their remains were buried in such a remote and secure part of the cave mean that they were seen as exceptional to our primitive ancestors? why were they buried in a manner that scientists describe as 'ritualized behaviour'?
the profound special traits make this discovery particularly worth the fuss. the homo naledi also share features with a number of other previously discovered species of the homo genus such as neandartharls and humans. this discovery also gives researchers a broader look on what species inhabited earth before our time and on what levels we have evolved on since then.
furthermore the unexpected features that the homo naledi possess are encouraging scientist of all fields to re-examine the models of origin of our current genus


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