Q2.1 unemployment between the ages of 15 and 24 has reached a staggering 71 million (ILO,2016). solution fluency is a guided problem solving framework that consists of six D'S .use the solution fluency process to solve unemployment problems in your area. provide a brief background of your area and how yo intend to tackle this problem.

  1. define

defining is the most crucial part to this process.

  • if defined incorrectly your solutions will become redundant
  • if defined to big or small you might eliminate too much information or have too much unnecessary information that will hinder and confuse your solution process
 defining the problem : unemployment problems in the Athlone area

2. discover 

this is the exploration phase,understanding the problem. look at the past and find out how we got here ,could something be done differently?

discover : 20 years ago the job market wasn't as competitive as it is today. to qualify for a job one needs at least 3 years of of tertiary education and experience .due to socioeconomic factors a lot of people in my area aren't able financially to obtain a tertiary education and therefore may struggle to find a job.


once you have established where we are and how we got here the next step is envisioning possible solutions and foward thinking. creative fluency comes into play

dream : assuring that all people within our country have sufficient education and tools needed for success .


define tells us where we are now ,dream helps guide us to where we want to be therefore design acts as the planning part of the process. this helps us find a way to make the dream phase a reality

design: creating and institution where free tertiary education is open to all as long as a certain grade point average is maintained  and that the graduates work within the country in their respected fields of study for at least 4 years to help better the economy of the country and hopefully allow better standards of living for everyone.


this part of the process is the implementation phase, it puts the design plan into action and makes the dream stage a reality .
there are 2 components of this step produce and production.

deliver:  produce - petitioning for the building of this institution to the government and following up with it until it has been processed and hopefully accepted.
production- the building of the institution both physically and within for example good staff and reputation .


this is the final stage of the solution fluency process it is the evaluation stage . in this phase we evaluate each step and check if all the information gathered was done efficiently and correctly and if there are any areas that need improvement.

debrief: evaluating the success of the project by taking annual surveys


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