Q3 discuss the internet of things and how it will affect business in South Africa. identify a sector in the industry and detail how it will be impacted
The internet of things
the internet of things is the inter network of physical devices such as from cars on the road to your kitchen appliances,anything technology wise is connected in some way or the other. the internet of things will greatly benefit industry business in South Africa .
according to an online source " Businesses can also get many benefits from the Internet of Things. can be useful in many different categories including asset tracking and inventory control, shipping and location, security, individual tracking, and energy conservation. As mentioned before, IoT allows for the communication between devices, commonly referred to as Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communication. With this being possible, physical devices are able to communicate to people letting them know their condition and where it is located. Devices such as trucks or ships allow for the maximum capacity to be filled by". therefore the internet of things can not only benefit business in South Africa but boost success immensely . already advances in technology allow you to control all the devices in your home with one remote making life easier. although this luxury is only used in upper market more technologically advanced homes but soon it will become the norm. this is one of many ways showing the connection every device that send out a signal can have.
this can help business to increase efficiency as less time will be spent doing mundane activities and more time can be used to focus on the business itself .
this can help business to increase efficiency as less time will be spent doing mundane activities and more time can be used to focus on the business itself .
references :
Anon., n.d. suny
cortand. [Online]
Available at: https://sites.google.com/a/cortland.edu/the-internet-of-things/advantages
[Accessed 7 may 2017].
Available at: https://sites.google.com/a/cortland.edu/the-internet-of-things/advantages
[Accessed 7 may 2017].
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