Q4 inappropriate behaviour

the internet has become a daily contributor to our everyday lives . consequently as we become more dependent on the internet there are some people who seek to take advantage of this,making us increasingly vulnerable to cyber violations or cyber crime. Some of these cyber crimes can be caused by the data left behind or our digital footprint , everything we do on theinternet leaves a trail   somewhere in the  vast seas of online data .some people learn to navigate this seas of online data and can gain access to our data by hacking our internet lines and gathering details , this could lead to misuse of our data such as identity theft,or a hacker might even be able to gain access to your online banking details and transfer your money to themselves without any obstacle. The intruders could also access your data on your personal or work desktops this could lead to a leak of sensitive information that you do not want .

Furthermore all of our online activity contributes to our digital reputation ,unlike real life where opinions are easily changed,once something is out onto the internet it stays there forever. Since the person on the other side of the screen might not know who you are ,all they have to judge your character is based on the things you post online and the way you carry yourself on the internet . Thus building credibility and trust through our actions when using the internet should be a priority , examples of instances where people used the internet to commit a crime are in the case of a victim only known by the name 'Chris',  he had thousands stolen from him by fraudsters who all they did to gain access to his accounts was simply calling his bank , they also conned his friends on social media platforms too send them money .
moreover another growing cyber crime has been harassment - according to a recent study over half of teens have been bullied online ,while 78% of adult users has seen someone being harassed online in some way . in the case of a young adolescent named Julia Derbyshire the cyber-bullying got so bad it was one of the biggest contributing factor towards her suicide. following netiquette which is the proper ways in which one governs themselves online  ,helps prevent cases like these from happening and makes the internet a safe environment for all users.
according to Virginia Shea these are the following guidelines to netiquette
1.Remember the Human
2. Adhere to the same standards of behaviour online that you follow in real life
3.Know where you are in cyberspace The netiquette required will differ from domain to domain.
4. Respect other people’s time and bandwidth When sharing files or documents
5.Make yourself look good online Check grammar and spelling before you post.
6.Share expert knowledge Offer answers and help others where you can.
7.Help keep flame wars under control Don’t respond to flame-bait
8.Respect other people’s privacy Don’t give out other people’s details
9. Don’t abuse your power The more power you have

10. Be forgiving of other people’s mistakes 


boyce, l., 2014. this is money. [Online]
Available at: http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/news/article-2801328/top-ten-online-scams-fraudsters-stole-victim-s-money-conned-facebook-friends-too.html
[Accessed 21 may 2017].
brearley, a., 2017. mirror. [Online]
Available at: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/tragic-teen-confided-friend-liked-10464212
[Accessed 21 may 2017].
evans, m., 2016. the telegraph. [Online]
Available at: https://www.google.co.za/amp/www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2016/07/21/one-in-people-now-victims-of-cyber-crime/amp/
[Accessed 21 may 2017].


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