Q7 guidelines to online safety

 guidelines to online safety 

To  protect yourself from online hazards such as infringement ,indentity theft or hackers you need to take steps in protecting yourself against threats such as malware . by following these guidelines to online safety it will ensure that your online presence will be secure from anyone who wishes to it harm.

  1. protection of devices from malware and hackers by using antivirus software like spybot or avast 
  2. protect your information,back up your data regurlarly in case of an emergency
  3. creating and maintaining secure passwords to protect your data . use alphas ,numeric and symbols to make your password 'unhackable'
  4. protecting sensitive information files on your device by encrypting your data . having multiple layers to your defense system can help fend off hackers
  5. keeping your internet communication private this to keep your communication from being stolen
  6. protecting yourself and your data on social media platforms by monitoring who has access to your profile,use secure passwords, check the default settings , becareful of the information you share .


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